Sunday, 10 October 2010

SA 3.3 - Understanding Open Source

This supplementary activity was initiated and organised by Lesley who suggested the use of an online wiki tool with audio guidance and discussion via Skype. Although I was a little unsure of how to use these two new technologies I managed to pick them up quickly and hopefully was able to add some value to the synchronous online session. Unfortunately due to broadband connection problems I was unable to completely finish this work with my fellow learners but I did enjoy being able to collaborate in this way before being cut off.

The wiki page enabled all learners to edit the collaborative document live (word by word) and automatically showed a different text colour for each of us. The additional chat box facility enables further text discussion should skype not have been available due to bandwidth issues. As it was the session worked well where one could be speaking on skype whilst others could enter appropriate data into the online document.

This method of communicating with others to build a general consensus and collective output would be a great model for future online collaboration activities. Note to self - I must learn how to set this up and export the content into the OU wiki so the output can be shared with others who where unable to participate.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

CA 3.1 - Eportfolio Comparison

Being fairly new to the concept of recording my learning journey online, in this activity I make my first attempt to compare two eportfolio systems by listing 9 different features from each.

Product name




Display format determined by OU. Very basic features to upload personal picture and display. Formating of text is provided in simple text editor for user generated data.

Layout in demo is set by Mahara. Can host up to 5 personal images to be used for profile icons. Profile view can be set to one of six pre-set themes. As this is open source it is assumed more themes could be added.


Able to select different MyStuff pages via a banner menu to see Overview, Items, Compilations, Sharing & Community. Crumb trail is visible under banner menu to give user feedback on current location. Some menu options do dive in deeper.

Learner is able to navigate easily through the banner heirchial menu structure. Top level menu Home, Profile, MyPortfolio, Group & Settings all other menus are linked under these. Menu names are fairly intuitive and do what they suggest.


Quick Notes and/or files can be uploaded into the Items area which stores all artefacts. Various form templates are available to record personal data, contects, education and training, work experience, plans and development.

Files can be uploaded with the facility to create a folder. Max upload limited 10Mb. Although not tested literature suggests Mahara can host embedded media and links to embedded external media such a youtube videos.


Items and/or compilations (collection of items) can be shared with other registered users through building Community links. Providing tutor introduces other tutor group members content can be shared with cohort of learners on the same course by selecting the whole group. Learner can add new contact if OU usersname is known. Sharing facility can be suspended or limited between pre-set dates.

Artefats can be added to My Views which in turn can be shared with self generated/pre-set groups Goups or individual users. Comments and feedback added by others can be moderated if choosen by the learner as required. Groups also have forums through which to communicate with students and colleagues should a group owner wish to create them for various topics.


Enables comments to be recorded by other users if items are shared. When sharing items users can opt to send a short notification message to contacts. Awaiting feedback from group members if MyStuff emails the user to alert that new items from other are ready to be viewed!

As well as the sharing facility users can send individual messages to other users. Users can also post to each other walls (similiar to Facebook wall concept) with the facility to make the post private. Friend requests can also be made.


With the exception of posting a reflection into a quick note item and sharing with others MyStuff does not support blogging. The OU employ MyStuff facility within their existing VLE where learners already have a personal blog space.

MyBlog facility is incorporated into the learner profile. Views can be shared with others to seek feedback.

Information Exploitation

Individual items and compilations can be tagged. The tag cloud on the overview page displays quick access to recent items. The Browse search facility provide lists of items with same tags.

Files can be uploaded into new Folders, and moved around into other folders once hosted in Mahara. Tags are placed on files and blogs entries to enable learner to make best use of search facility.

Show Case

Compilations can only be shared with other users of the VLE. Export/import facilities using Leap2a, or download to zip. Atoms feeds exist but functionality has not been tested yet.

Users can asign access permissions for people to see Views which can consist of many artefats. Export facilities are vailable both in zip html and leap2a formats.


Currently intergrated into the OU moodle VLE as a plug-in module. MyStuff is seen as one of a collection tools that can be used to assist a learner journey. Is MyStuff limited to OU use only?

Can be intergrated into moodle VLE as required or run seperately on a webserver as required. Developed for the New Zealand tertiary sector full production site launched Mar 2008. Can Mahara be integrated with other learning management systems?

General Comments

Used by the OU as a personal storage area. Consider it as a eBox that stores notes, assignments and activities studied with OU (available up to 2 years after final study)

Open source eportfolio and part social network, features portfolio, resume/CV builder. Learner centred not institutionally owned. FREE

Next step is to identify which features are key by collaborating with fellow learners before moving onto making any recommendations for a report. Please feel free to grow my knowledge and understanding of this subject.